DAP akan kemukakan usul dalam DUN Melaka lanjutkan tempoh pajakan tanah di Machap Umboo selama 99 tahun tanpa bayaran
Kenyataan Media oleh Calon DAP bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil Machap Liou Chen Kuang pada 9hb April 2007 di Machap:
Sekiranya terpilih sebagai ADUN bagi Machap, saya akan mengemukakan usul dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Melaka bagi melanjutkan tempoh pajakan tanah bagi penduduk-penduduk di sekitar Kampung Machap Umboo selama 99 tahun tanpa dikenakan sebarang bayaran.
Sekiranya terpilih sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) bagi Machap, saya jamin akan menyuarakan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk-penduduk Machap dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Melaka demi memastikan kepentingan mereka tidak terabai oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN).
Fokus saya utama adalah masalah tempoh pajakan tanah selama 60 tahun di Kampung Machap Umboo yang tidak dapat dilanjutkan. Berkenaan isu ini, saya bersedia untuk mengemukakan usul dalam DUN Melaka supaya tempoh pajakan tanah di Kampung Machap Umboo dapat dilanjutkan selama 99 tahun lagi tanpa dikenakan sebarang bayaran.
Kawasan Machap menghadapi pelbagai masalah kekurangan infrastruktur dan tempoh pajakan tanah yang terlalu pendek, di mana kerajaan BN terpaksa menghadapi pelbagai masalah ini dalam tempoh pilihan raya kecil yang begitu singkat sekali.
Sehingga hari ini, tempoh pajakan tanah bagi sebilangan besar penduduk di sekitar Kampung Machap Umboo tidak lebih daripada 30 tahun. Jikalau kerajaan enggan melanjutkan tempoh pajakan bagi tanah tersebut, maka penduduk-penduduk di sini akan kehilangan tempat kediaman mereka.
DAP berharap kerajaan akan melanjutkan tempoh pajakan tanah tersebut selama 99 tahun tanpa dikenakan sebarang bayaran bagi menjamin hak menghuni penduduk-penduduk di sini. Kami tidak ingin melihat BN hanya melemparkan janji-janji kosong, termasuk mengugut pengundi-pengundi bahawa jikalau bilangan undi BN kali ini berkurangan, maka tempoh pajakan tanah tersebut tidak akan dilanjutkan.
Jika diambil pengalaman kita dalam Pilihan Raya Negeri Sarawak tahun lepas, BN berjanji untuk melanjutkan semua tanah yang sudah hampir genap tempoh pajakannya. Namun, tempoh pajakan masih belum dilanjutkan sehingga hari ini.
Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tempoh pajakan tanah, kita tidak boleh percaya akan janji-janji kosong dan sebaliknya mengundi calon DAP bagi menyampaikan mesej yang jelas kepada pihak BN supaya kerajaan mengambil tindakan terhadap masalah tersebut.
Sekiranya DAP terpilih, saya akan mengemukakan usul serta mendapatkan sokongan penuh daripada ADUN-ADUN MCA dalam DUN Melaka supaya masalah tersebut dapat diselesaikan.
Jikalau BN berprihatin terhadap masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk-penduduk yang menghuni di sekitar kampung baru, maka kerajaan haruslah melanjutkan tempoh pajakan bagi semua tanah di Kampung Machap Umboo dan juga kampung-kampung baru di seluruh Malaysia.
Liou Chen Kuang
Mr. Liou Chen Kuang,
Your election pitch is only to extend the land from 66 to 99 years and to server complaints?
I would suggest u to review ur planning for the Machap resident here.
The BN candidate has promised many economy development to the people in Machap which I find very attractive to many people (even though it can turn out to be empty promises).
I am very extremely dissapointed with DAP's 40 years of history and all you can come out is such remark.
If I were you, I would list down the following critiria for small town.
1. Reform the Kindergarden in small town. Have you visited the Kindergarden? Look at the quality and infrastructure of the education provided by local goverment. It is TOTALLY unacceptable.
Reform the Kindergarden by either finding local sponsor or international sponsor to upgrade the facility into good quality education facility where children can enjoy and safety while the they learn.
Should such proposal are unable to be done in goverment kindergarden, I would ensure private company bases in City to operate their branches at local area where they could provide such quality. Again, local and foreign fund can be raised by advertisement or corporate sponsorship to reduce the fee.
2. For Primary school and Secondary school students.
I would ensure that the area has enough Internet access for the students to fully obtain latest information as the penetration of internet in rural or small town are limited due to expensive or limited coverage by local ISP by setting a community service center.
With the community service that cater to students where students can relax, communicate and involve in healty learning environment. The student can also seek advice on their study and career obtions in the city. Today many small town students has limited access on their career future. The community center can hold small talk/seminar/classes and everymonth professionals from city are invited to give them hope, raise their morality and give them a clear direction.
The community center can also cater
school children/adults/retiree and all walks of life with different type of activities/classes/seminar.
Funding can either be from Goverment fund (which is either non existant or extremely slow to obtain), private and corporate sponsorship/advertisement, or charity raised from local community.
One good example that can be learn from Singapore's Community center.
For the economical aspect,
The small town or rural are depends on agriculture.
I can only recommend on the limited commercial part of the economy as I am from technical background.
Many times the small town doesn't have all the daily necessaty and have to go to city to buy.
I would setup a panel of business specialist (local and city businessment participate) to identified possible trade that can be setup in the local area. At the same time, creating enterprenue program to cater to the local people. Should the product or services are not available locally, the local goverment will provide the assistant for creating more local enterprener to supply the product or services. At the same time controlling the local licenses so that it will not be over competition within the same product and services. Professional in the city again are invited to help local new enterprenuer so that local enterpernuer will be able to independent with their guidance.
A possible happening is that students that are awaiting SPM or STPM results can participate in the apprenticeship in local business community. This is a good way for the student to earn some living while being expose to business world from the early stage.
For the social intergration,
The community hall is a good place where all walks of people can participate with diff background of race and religion.
For Tourism promotion,
This would have to involve goverment and local agriculture participant.
I would promote toursim packages to attract city and foreigner to Machap.
Many times people travel to places in packages.
Machap packages can include Rubber Estate/fishing pond/kepala sawit/ or any other agricultural tour and participant so that tourist can relax, learn and getting to hands on in the agriculture experiences and to know local culture.
These kind of packages with the help of tour agency and Visit Malaysia YR 2007 will definately attract foreign money and city money into the local people. Thus increasing local people's source of income.
With such Election agenda which I suggested (many many more which I believe urs truly can come up with), many more local people will vote for DAP.
Yes, DAP is to reduce or win the Election. However, ur agenda is too few for me to choose the vote DAP. (even i'm not from Melaka and I now in singapore).
As a Malaysian, I would vote for parties that can deliver economy progress, educations improvement, better basic infrastructure.
Since BN has been late in delivery of the promises or no delivery at all, Opposition parti like DAP is our 2nd choice. However, if 2nd choice is not much agend, the people might as well don't vote at all or revert back to BN that has solid agenda.
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